Michael Pento

185 days ago

Video: Market Meltdown will Intensify Inflation & Ignite a Currency Crisis

Asset Manager Michael Pento is another cheery fellow like our own Nigel Somerville.


377 days ago

Video: The Fed Can’t Control Inflation without Bursting All Asset Bubbles

Asset manager Michael Pento compares the huge increase in debt leading up to the 2008 financial crisis and the current debt bubble. It is not something for the squeamish.


583 days ago

Video: The Worst Part of the Bear Market is Dead Ahead

Asset manager Michael Pento says the bear market is here to stay, and the next phase is coming:  so far we’ve only experienced the opening salvo.


1357 days ago

Video: The USA is an insolvent bankrupt nation so buy Gold

Michael Pento President and Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies does not mince his words. He says that  “We see now a rebound in the virus, the closing of the economies, and a fiscal cliff that is going to be absolutely devastating… The cliff is coming because you can’t print trillions of dollars and borrow trillions every few months. No economy in the history of planet earth has ever been able to do that without destroying its currency and bond market. I don’t think the US will be any different.”


1470 days ago

Video: Michael Pento: Prepare Now Before the Real Crash Begins

You think the marketr meltdown of the past six weeks has been bad. You ain’t seen nothing yet! that is the belief of analyst Michael Pento who is Michael is convinced that we are heading into “The Greater Depression” as the world is awash in 17 trillion dollars in negative-yielding debt. He says, “We are no longer living in reality; this is a fantasy created by massive monetization of debt from central banks.”
